Monday, 11 September 2017

Its a strange thing to become aware of a cult you have unwilling joined. It is even stranger to realise that its been hiding under societies nose this whole time. Its funny that when we think of cults we always default our thinking to evangelical communities that huddle together in some far flung part of the world away from the prying eyes of the vulgar none believers.

When broken down at its core, the idea of a cult is nothing more than a mass of people living and striving for their idealistic version of the world. Whether they are worshiping the reincarnation of their version of god or believe that a huge swarm of bee's will erupt from the earths core and devour them whole, it doesn't matter. In the end what ever the reason for them banding together to fight the odds and ride their version of the truth all the way to Valhalla and back must of been a damn good reason.

In these communities people share the same life styles and the same opinions and tip toe around each other in fear that they might just say or do the wrong thing, therefore ruining their chances at finding the one true truth.
In most if not all cases of cults there will be a leader that undoubtedly has some sort of "insider" knowledge that they either bestowed upon them selves or they reach enlightenment in some darkened incense filled cave in the middle of woop woop with seemingly no one to witness this splendid divine interaction to confirm that god or a higher being did infact make contact with that one lowly human to tell them about the real truths of this world.

Once this almighty semi demi god has found their niche and the one argument to win all arguments. They then start to amass a following to ensure that they are not only one person who is filled with this half baked delirium wrapped up in a convenient truth. The idea is to get as many people as possible to fall for this fantastical logic loop.

With all things considered Id like to get back to how I mentioned the fact that there was and have been so many cults in front of our eyes. Im talking about the culture cults of the 21st century. When you think about it, are followers of some one like kanye west so different from that of the typical coolaid drinking, flower sniffing, apocalypse ready super cults you hear about on the news?
The pop stars, sub cultures and celebrates of today are so heavily defined and worshiped that I really see no difference between the two any more. In fact living in the woods and living off the land sounds pretty good right about now, even if I do have to pray 13 and a half times a day to a fake deity.

With each new year spawns a new bread of super soldiers ready to conform straight out of the box. They listen to their idols preach about what ever flimsy and fanatical brains can think of that day. Adorning them selves with the colours and uniform of their favourite brand or celebrity, ready to defend them with their life! because what is life wiht out kanye. Speech becomes a whimsical way of expressing any of the 3 thoughts rolling though our heads at any one time. With new ways to say the same thing over and over and over. The things we say get crumpled up then refreshed and distorted then dry cleaned then lost behind a wall called facebook until we resemble a fish gasping for water when its run a shore when we need to say anything of importance.